What is “good” WiFi?

How do I know if I need my WiFi looked at?

“Bad” WiFi / Internet access is easy to define … it’s slow, unreliable or doesn’t reach all the areas of your home.

“Good” WiFi / Internet access is generally defined as meeting the following criteria:-

  • The WiFi signal strength (see image below) is “good“, or at the very least “better“,  wherever WiFi is needed.
  • The WiFi signal is consistent and reliable, i.e. it does not appear and disappear at random.
  • The WiFi speed is at least as fast as your Internet speed.
  • Your Internet speed is performing at, or very near, to the plan speed that you purchased from your Internet provider.
WiFi signal strength 01 - transparent - 1280x486
WiFi signal strengths

So, if your WiFi / Internet access doesn’t meet all of the criteria listed above then perhaps you should have your WiFi looked at.